I managed to track down some decent photos of my pops' new bike. Built by G&L choppers out of Colorado Springs. These guys do some really good work. I came up with a logo for it, but it had already gone to paint. Even without the logo the bike looks awesome.
My Engine stud that holds on my exhaust snapped off while riding last night. Tried an EZ out bit and snapped that off. Any suggestions on what's next? Would it be easiest to just replace that front cylinder head? Or drill it out? Either way I have to take off the cylinder. I'm pissed.
I want this truck. It should've been in Mad Max or something. Instead, it was in the retarded show 'The Gamer'. It definately made the movie better. Basically its a chopped up 73 chevy c20. For sale right now on ebay. Starting bid is 11k.
I added a couple new blogs to the list. Wrecked metals is a cool old rod blog out of Boise. He has some crazy awesome fabs. HWZN bross is a japanese blog with some cool old school choppers. Also stoked to get the Beez's bike running last night. That thing is freaking sick! Hopefully he'll be able to ride out to the vintage races with us tommorrow.