Monday, May 10, 2010


Poached it from the Dice blog. Wouldn't change a thing if it were mine.



Joe said...

So, started the movie "Gamer" last night,
and it had that bitchin truck,
and I did a search for the truck,
and I found ONE website on that truck (yours),
and I went to your main blog page,
and I happened to click on April,
and there was a picture of a Wrenchmonkees bike,
and it looked like a bike in a magazine I had a few months ago that I loaned out and was lost,
and I went to their website,
and there was the bike I had been looking for for 2 months!
(Monkee #10, SR500)

Fantastic Blog, as you have provided me with information on 2 fantastic vehicles that I needed. Thank you very much.

Jackieshan said...

Thanks man... glad you dig it.